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May 1990


This daily correspondence between schools she attended and us gives you a glimpse of our daily life. Most parents of typical children do not communicate on daily basis with the teachers. This gives a reader an insight to how important daily communication is for a child with autism.

Kat has attended school since she was 3 years old. These are school notes that were result of correspondence with her parents and her teachers. We have made comments at a later date reflecting back on the impact of these events. Kats School Notes Index


Date Notes Comments
1990-05-01 Kat seemed very depressed yesterday. Please let us know how she seems today.


T. & D. (Parents)

Kat had an OK day today, she did seem a little distant though.

L.G. (Teacher)

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We had a person from Cosac come in yesterday for inhouse training. She suggested that anytime requests are made of Kat we should start She request with her name. She seems to respond better when she hears her name first. For Example: "Kat, come here" instead of "Kat ...... come here" or "come here." Please try using it all the time. We will be trying it at home too.

Thank you.

D. (Mother)

P.S. We are still trying to resolve the issues of sign language pro's and con's. If anything it is obvious that She more simple the language and the less words we use, She less frustrated she is.


I'm giving you my home phone # 555 - 5555 so we can discuss sign language. I will try to call you at home this weekend so we can discuss it. Also, B.'s mom will be coming in on the 5/17. Is this a good day for you?

L.P. (Speech Therapist)

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L. I can make it on 5/17th.

D. (Mother)

I'll give L. the message!

L.G. (Teacher)

D. -

To respond to your message written on the 3rd We do use brief, direct statements and directions with Kat so that she is able to understand what the direction is when given here at school. I think Kat can understand things better when we get her attention by using her name 1st and then a brief statement. For example: "Kat, circle time" or "Kat, potty". I do agree this is something we need to continue & I think it's great that you are doing it at home as well. We use these type sentences (statements) with most of the children because they are better able to understand what we are saying! I know L. has also been trying to get intouch with you to answer any questions you have and talk to you a little about the imitation program.

L.G. (Teacher)

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I have a new phone number, please note (555) 555 - 5555 (at work). thank you

D. (Mother)

OK - I'll make a note of the new number.

L.G. (Teacher)

This week the unit is family member identification and boy/girl identification. Suggested activities for home: 1. Take pictures of all family members, then have Kat match the picture with the person (give Bridget the picture of Bridget, etc.) 2. Sing Good Morning Song in the morning or Good Night Song at night and have Kat say good night or morning saying the person's name as she says "Good Morning Mommy" or "Good night daddy?

L.G. (Teacher)

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Kat's diet will be changing to minimize her starch intake. She will be getting vegies for snacks. She will initially resist this but is seeming to tolerate vegetables more.

T. & D. (Parents)

Kat did eat a few carrots at snack time (she was a little resistant). She only ate about 1/4 of her tunafish at lunch. We will continue to try to get her to eat, as much as possible, the food you send in. I think she will eventually get used to vegetables, etc. if we keep making her try to eat even if it is only a little at first. Keep us posted with how she is doing with the diet.


L.G. (Teacher)


Is 10 o'clock on 5/17 good for you. If you can come at this time I'll have some time to to speak with you about sign before B.'s mom comes in.


L.P. (Speech Therapist)

D. -

L. is not here today - I'll give her the message about the time. I'm not sure which software L. used with Kat - I'll find out for you on Tuesday!

L.G. (Teacher)

PS Kat is doing pretty well with the food and veggies you've been sending in. (She does make faces but she is eating it!)

L.G. (Teacher)

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The unit this week is on community helpers (fireman, policeman, mailman and bus driver <-(it's bus driver appreciation week)). Suggested activities for home: Creative play activities - 1. dressing up in a fireman's hat or a police hat ^ - looking at herself in the mirror. 2. Pretending to be a mailman, have Kat color a picture & mail it to a family member (have Kat put the letter in the mailbox, ect .. ^) 3. Pretend to be a bus driver, put on a hat & if you have a big toy car, have her pretend to drive the car. 4. Get a toy bus or car! have Kat pull the bus to a play school or store, to work on creative and appropriate play skills.

L.G. (Teacher)

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Thanks for the tape - it's great and fits in well with community helpers week.

L.G. (Teacher)

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L., I can make it on tues., May 29th.


I'll give L. the mesage!

L.G. (Teacher)

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Please heat up Kat's soup for lunch. Thank you.

D. (Mother)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)


I wanted to let you know what Kat will be working on until the end of the year in O.T. We will concentrate on coloring and cutting. She seems to tolerate this for 5 to 10 minutes. Hand-over-hand assistance is needed to snip. I'm trying to make it as fun as possible by using stencils, chalks, etc. & giving her a chance to direct part of the activity. We will also be continuing with sensorhy experiences for attention span and eye contact.

J.E. (Occupational Therapist)

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This week the unit is on community helpers (doctor, nurse & dentist). Suggested activities for home: 1. Dentist: Have Kat pretend to brush doll's teeth with a real toothbrush & toothpaste and have her pretend to be a dentist. 2. Sensory activity: collect things that a doctor or nurse would use (cottonball, q-tips, tongue depressors (popsicle sticks), bandaides) - Have Kat hide these things in a bean bag or sand box, also have her find these items when you show her a sample 3. Sensory activity: using the same supplies as in activity 2, have Kat put these things into piles. 4. You can also have a doll, have Kat put a bandaide on the doll's bobo; this would be a good time to work on body parts.

L.G. (Teacher)

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Kat had a late night last night so her system may be a little mixed up today.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

Thanks for letting us know!

L.G. (Teacher)

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This week is circus week. Suggested activities for home: 1. Make a balloon picture with different color ballloons, also cut out circles of different colors to match the balloons - work on color matching 2. Blow up balloons of different colors, let Kat play with ballloons for a short while then say, "Kat, get blue balloon, etc ..," this helps with color ident & direction following skills. 3. Make a clown face picture, make another with (facial) features missing. See if Kat can complete the face by adding the missing parts. (Show her the sample, so she has visual input about what she is supposed to do). 4. Since Kat likes animals, read her a story about a circus, have her point to the animals or label the animals that she sees in the circus (ie elephant, dogs, bears, lions, tigers, etc ...)

Kat is doing OK overall, nice eye contact, some more imitation during circle is noted. We still are having some increased jargoning during inappropriate times - we are redirecting &/or saying "quiet mouth" -(some improvements have been seen in this area!) Good at following directions (simple and some basic 1 -2 step directions). She seems to be eating better - I think she is getting more used to the veggies, etc ..

L.G. (Teacher)

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